Whaat??? apa itu clash of clans???. Clash of Clans merupakan game yang populer di kalangan pengguna smartphone IOS dan Android. Pengguna aktif game ini diperkirankan 1 juta lebih. Loh kok ada pengguna aktifnya ?? ya karena game ini merupakan game online multiplayer. Loh kok jadi bahas gamenya??? lha cheat nya mana??? ok ok. langsung aja ane kasih tau cara nge-cheat ini game. eits, tp cheat dalam arti tanda kutip ya gan. lho maksudnya ??? Lihat aja deh penjelasan berikutnya. Tapi ini ciyuuus loh.. miapah?? miayam. :D
Syarat yang harus di penuhi :
- Android Sudah Root.
- Buat id cloningan ya gan, jangan pakek id yang lama. kasihan nanti kalau di banned.
Bahan-Bahannye :
- Kalau belum di root, silahkan cari cara root androidnya masing-masing. Bisa cek disini
bisa juga disini pilih salah satu
- Setelah root, install cwm recovery. bisa didownload disini
- Install aplikasi root explorer. dapat di download disini
- Download bahan pertama : free build (via cwm) or free build (push only)
- Download bahan kedua : only mod (via cwm) or only mod (push only)
eits, tunggu dulu gan. BACA DULU, PENTING !!!!!. Untuk mencegah akun kita agar tidak ke Banned.
tapi kalau menggunakan file ONLY MOD, akun gak akan ke banned.
sebelum agan menggunakan cara di bawah, harap simpan id CoC agan pada akun g+ terlebih dahulu. setelah tersimpan, disconnect G+ yang ada pada game CoC. Lalu masuk ke menu pengaturan>pengolahan aplikasi. dan clear data. kemudian play game CoC nya dari awal ya. selesaikan tutorialnya. lalu gunakan cara di bawah ini.
Oke oke, setelah semuanya sukses terdownload. langsung ke stepnya.
Via CWM Recovery :
- Masuk ke cwm recovery
- Pilih install zip from sdcard
- cari file freebuild.zip (via cwm) yang di download tadi
- install and done.
Via Push :
- Buka root explorer
- Cari file freebuild.zip (push only), extrak filenya.
- Ada satu file yang bernama buildings.csv. copy buildings.csv ke data/data/com.supercell.clashofclans/updated/csv
- done.
Untuk install file onlymod.zip sama seperti cara diatas. cuma beda isi filenya.
cheat ?? moded ?? maybe yes maybe no... :D
20 komentar
Click here for komentarIf you wanna clash of clans advantage go to http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - you receive free Clash of Clans gems instantly! I just tried that! (jiWJ2tlN2z)
ReplyCheat clash of clans ini versi brp?
ReplyVersi 6.253.5 bukan?
Tolong dijawab
This is amazing! Visit http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - you receive free Clash of Clans gems instantly! I just tried that! (C8Ws4EsU8g)
ReplyAmazing! http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - I got free Clash of Clans gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! THE ONLY WORKING FREE GEMS GIVEAWAY!!
ReplyCheck out http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - I got free Clash of Clans gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! Top players use this to get gems!!(3D7ubOQ8Ua)
ReplyIf you wanna clash of clans advantage go to http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - you receive free Clash of Clans gems instantly! Everybody uses this now! (uyvB0UXFhh)
ReplyJust tried http://clashofclanshelper.com/ - I got free Clash of Clans gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! Couldnt believe at first but it really works!(hIFvUG2lWb)
ReplyI cant believe I found this for CoC clans game just now: http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (fLeK34Wnki)
ReplyAmazing! http://clanshelper.com/ - I got free CoC gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(IxcVRR8ECf)
ReplyMy clan friends on CoC told me that on http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (g1qSwefpDE)
ReplyMy clan friends on CoC told me that on http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (g1qSwefpDE)
ReplyMy clan friends on CoC told me that on http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (g1qSwefpDE)
ReplyMy clan friends on CoC told me that on http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (g1qSwefpDE)
ReplyMy clan friends on CoC told me that on http://clanshelper.com/ - you receive free C-o-C gems instantly! It really works! (g1qSwefpDE)
ReplyBuat pengguna android, nih ada app buat nyari Dollar online gratis tanpa modal dan legal modal HP aja, bisa ditukerin sama STEAM gift card, Gems COC, Diamond Get Rich, Google Play gift card, paypal, facebook giftcard, Xbox,PlaystationStore, Amazon dan ItunesGiftCard
Reply1. Download aplikasi Whaff Rewards di playstore
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4. Abis itu ada kotak invitation code
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6. Setelah masukan kode diatas kalian bakal Dapet $0.3, lumayan kaan, kalian tinggal ngumpulin deh sampe 10$
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Jangan lupa share trik ini ya :)
I found a working CoC hack at http://clanshelper.com/ and its great! You receive your CoC gems instantly!!! Visit and enjoy! (G1AfKOPwnc)
ReplyIf you wanna CoC advantage for your clan go to http://clanshelper.com - Best free source for Clash of Clans gems! It really works! (iah0DtPNVQ)
ReplyCheck out http://clanshelper.com/ - I got free CoC gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! Top players use this to get CoC gems!!(wufi49b3XY)
ReplyCheck out http://clanshelper.com/ - I got free CoC gems here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! Top players use this to get CoC gems!!(wufi49b3XY)
ReplyI cant believe I found this for CoC clans game just now: http://clanshelper.com - Best free source for Clash of Clans gems! It really works! (QiDYFXpT19)
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